As an aspiring comedian, believing as Twain did, that broad views “cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth,” I graduated from Florida State University and moved to New York City. I had previous experience living abroad while serving as an infantryman in the United States Army in Afghanistan from 2005-2006 and believed that a move to the big apple would be a unique opportunity to study the theory and practice of comedy, which would in turn allow me to share my experiences with others. My goal has always been to help and create a platform to help from. My skill set and passion steered me towards comedy and I believe through comedy, I can utilize wit to make others laugh and achieve that platform to help from. The road to comedy has not been direct, but it has made me into a richer, more unique comedian. I’ve always loved comedy, whether it’s in the form of a stand-up show or a tiny offhand joke that only one other person sees and appreciates. My main purpose is to use my comedy studies foundation and training to develop into the best that I can be. If I can garner enough notoriety, I believe I can be a voice that helps. If laughter is the best medicine, then humor is an ingredient for healing.